Create a Helpful Moving Checklist

So, you’re either selling your home or getting ready to purchase a new one, Congratulations! It’s an exciting journey. But, now it’s time for what some may consider the most dreaded part, moving…. The never-ending to-dos going through your mind all day, and night, can be daunting when and if you can’t remember half the things you should. Getting organized about moving can alleviate any unneeded stress during this process. Months before you are getting closer to that “official” moving date you should start to prep for the big day. Allow yourself sufficient time to gather your thoughts, get organized, and help the process run efficiently as possible. Create a list and check it off as you go and put everything in one folder for easy access. As you think of items you can purge, do it or write it down to do later. Start your research for moving companies, reaching out to friends and family who can help, and organize how it will all come together.

Creating a moving checklist, complete with time frames is the ideal situation. Take a look at this helpful moving checklist starting 2 months prior to your scheduled move date.

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